Monday, January 31, 2011

Energy Conservation video...Messaging for Kids

  1. Who do you think are the target audience of this clip?
  2. What do you think are the main key messages that the clip is trying to communicate?
  3. Do you think the clip is effective? Why or why not?
  4. How do you think the messaging/clip could be further improved?
  5. ANS1 : for kids
  6. ANS2 : to show it is more worth it to change to CFL bulbs than incandescent bulbs
  7. ANS3 : Yes. It shows children that it is more environmentally friendly to use CFL bulbs lets them understand the usefulness of it
  8. ANS4 : It can show the children can participate better in helping the enviroment

Energy Conservation video...

1. What do you think are some of the limitations of using renewable energy resources, based on the clip that you have seen?
ANS: Not having enough space to put the machines.
2. What are some possible solutions that the video have suggested?
ANS: Smaller wind turbines and put the m further from people.
3. How do you think Energy Conservation messages can be communicated effectively in the school or local context? Give or suggest some examples.
ANS: There could be a talk on ways to conserve energy like turning off the air-con on cool windy day.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Things learn today

I had learn about the varies ways of expressing your thoughts with your mouth like charades and through some sketches. I learn that there is always an important part that you must draw to show others what you want to mean. Example, a tiny person needs to be drawn at the bottom of a high building to show it is very big.